Mini-grant requests and urgent need requests may be submitted and will be considered at any time. Otherwise, all 2023-24 Requests are due on or before April 30, 2024. Late submissions received after that date will not be considered for the 2024 Grant Cycle. Grant requests will be presented and voted upon on Tuesday, May 7 at a meeting to start at 6 p.m. at a location to be determined.
If you prefer a paper submission, please click here for the form.
Project Title
Person(s) Submitting Request
Telephone (Work)
Telephone (Cell)
School Requesting Funds
Agua Caliente Elementary SchoolTanque Verde Elementary SchoolEmily Gray Elementary SchoolTanque Verde High SchoolDistrict Wide
Email Address
Subject Area Grant Applies To
Grade(s) Receiving Benefit from Grant (multiple selections allowed)
Kindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th Grade9th Grade10th Grade11th Grade12th Grade
Total Amount of Funds Requested
Number of Student Impacted
Abstract: Briefly describe the nature of your project. What does the project try to accomplish? How do the goals relate to present and future educational needs?
Project Implementation: What methods and activities will you use? How students will be involved? Please be specific.
Community Linkages: What community or parent resources will be used? What other funding sources have you pursued so far, and what was the result of those requests?
Anticipated Results and Evaluation: What specific results do you expect the program to have for students? How will you measure these results?
Project Duration: How long will the project last? Do you have any plans to continue it after the grant period ends?
Please identify all alternative sources of funding you have pursued which are unavailable, and why:
Please identify all alternative sources of funding you have sought which have been successfully obtained or are in process, with amounts.
By which date are funds needed?
TVF asks all grant recipients to provide a report to the board about the implementation of their grant request in the spring following receipt of funds.
I agree to provide an implementation report regarding this request next spring.